Our Values


As God values Truth so do we as believers. We believe that God has blessed us with universal truths, which are true for all people for all times and is also continually revealing His specific truths to individuals within the context of their lives and experiences. God expresses His Truth through the Scripture, the Church, the Trinity and Creation itself. God has blessed us with an inherent spirit of Wisdom so we might discern the truths not specifically stated in His Word and understand how they relate to our lives subject to conviction, context and experience.


We value community as our blueprint for doing life. As God exists and flourishes in the Trinitarian community, we strive to live in authentic Biblical community with both our Church and biological families, our friends, enemies, neighbors and city. We live life together, rejoicing, suffering, experiencing and growing in community. While we can learn through solitude and isolation, these disciplines should only be practiced out of a connection to community. As individuals within a strong and healthy community we seek to belong, believe and become through our ongoing desire for unity, humility, justice, mercy, truth, and grace.



We value and seek to be part of Christ’s mission to His church, continually seeking out, making and baptizing disciples. As    individuals, families and church community we are all part of the same journey, growing and maturing as God prunes and nurtures us into the likeness of His Son. Though broken and oftentimes failing we are confident in God’s grace, and at all times seek to share the Gospel with those who do not believe, identifying with them in friendship, loving them in their brokenness and gently leading them towards a redemptive life with God. Salvation is based on sacrifice and we recognize the costly and oftentimes painful nature of what God calls us to. It is impossible to avoid suffering and sacrifice if we want to be more like Jesus, to live a life more abundant, restore our Identity within the image of God and live Kingdom lives within a broken, sin-scarred world.


Gratitude is our heartfelt and spontaneous response to the Life God has freely given us. To be a Christ-follower is to be charged with, and live daily under the most tremendous burden of thankful joy. God is good and the life He offers to us is also good. God is the author and creator of everything good and pleasurable and our attitude to this gift should be ongoing gratitude rather than hedonism or exploitation. We celebrate God’s greatness, goodness, salvation, grace and hope through love, beauty, friendship, family, creation and creativity, food, drink and the proper use of all the gifts He has so abundantly blessed us with. In celebration we give glory to God, exemplifying what true rejoicing should be, and above all things He who is worthy of the utmost celebration.